Sunday, November 10, 2013

Good Father

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
          - John Mayer, Daughters -

Ayah membelikan aku sebuah laptop berwarna merah muda, aku ingat betul waktu itu kenaikan kelas sebelas. Aku memang minta dibelikan laptop untuk kebutuhan tugas sekolah.Tanpa bersusah payah merayu, ayah langsung ganti baju untuk mengantarkan aku ke sebuah acara pameran komputer di Gramedia expo, saat itu aku tinggal di Surabaya. 
Sesampainya di acara pameran, aku berkeliling melihat - lihat display laptop yang di pajang.
Sungguh banyak dan bagus - bagus, apalagi warnanya.. bikin makin bingung mau beli yang mana. 
Tiba - tiba Ayah membawaku ke salah satu sudut etalase, ada Laptop berwarna pink soft dengan layar 14 inch. Tanpa banyak bicara aku langsung manggut - manggut meng-iya-kan tawarannya. 
Dengan perasaan bahagia, aku peluk erat -erat laptop itu di perjalanan pulang hingga sampai dirumah.
Beberapa bulan setelah pembelian laptop ini, aku memang sangat merasa terbantu karena tugas - tugas sekolah dalam bentuk power point dengan begitu mudahnya aku kerjakan. 

Sore menjelang maghrib Ayah pulang kantor, dan memanggilku untuk datang ke ruang tengah. Ternyata aku di belikan laptop lagi dengan spec yang lebih canggih dan merk yang lebih bagus, laptop itu limited editon khusus bulan Februari bertepatan dengan perayaan Valentine, warnanya merah muda menyeluruh sampai bagian dalam keyboard nya, sungguh laptop yang bagus. Tapi aku agak kesal mengapa ayah begitu boros, padahal laptop yang sebelumnya, baru aku gunakan sekitar tiga bulan.
Bukan hanya itu, dia membelikan mouse, sd card, card reader, penyambung tambahan usb, dan headphone yang semuanya berwarna senada, yaitu merah muda. 
Ayah mungkin berpendapat bahwa aku menyukai warna itu, sebenarnya aku lebih suka warna coklat. Tapi semenjak ayah membelikan aku barang - barang berwarnah merah muda, aku jadi mulai suka warna merah muda

Ayah selalu membelikan barang - barang yang bagus, padahal aku belum memintanya, ayah selalu ingin memberikan barang yang istimewa. Ayah sangat memanjakan aku, tapi setelah aku beranjak dewasa hingga lulus SMA, aku membuat suatu pilihan sendiri untuk kelanjutan pendidikan. 
Aku memutuskan untuk kuliah di salah satu perguruan tinggi di tanah kelahiranku di ibu kota. 
Kejadian yang aku ingat adalah ketika kedua orang tua mengantarkan aku ke bandara, saat menunggu take off ayah sama sekali tidak mau duduk disampingku, beliau malah berdiri di suatu sudut. Mungkin ayah takut apabila ia tidak dapat menahan air matanya untuk melepas keberangkatan anaknya.
Kontras dengan mama yang sedari tadi sudah terisak - isak tangisnya. 
Tapi saat ini, saat aku menulis ini, malah aku yang susah payah untuk menahan air mata. 
Aku sendirian disini, tanpa mereka. 
Sulit untuk menangisi hal yang tak seharusnya di tangisi. Aku tau aku rindu.
Semoga Tuhan selalu ada untuk mu, Ayah dan Mama.

Monday, September 2, 2013

When you was in serious relationship with underage boyfee

Did someone ever asking you to be commit? when you was in high school? Whoever you with an underage boyfee. It's normal. . I am sure, that you ever had conversation like this.
It makes spotting memory, and you've been working now, you don't want to commit before you had monthly salary more than 20 million and preparing some kind of achievement that you want to take it in the next.
Mark it! the point is 'saying things without thingking'.
sometimes, all he ever said to you just please.. don't take it too serious. If you are a girl within age below 20 y/o and you had an realationship . Do not put your self too small in front of him. Let it be. Although he is your beloved person. As soon you will realize, the times goes by, both of you was in fire to build your own bond.
Okey,You have to learn how to appreciate the feelings of men and how to understand each others, but still stick around throught day by day, until you encounter a farewell party in high school graduation. The best night ever, and the worst night after broke up. The Black and White situation. It seems to be border between sweet dreams and nightmares.

If he had been mature enough, then he will never asking you to commit. The first thing to do is, He run, visit your parents for asking you to be his wife. NOT asking you to be commit, at least he has built the trust of half the day with you when you both in exploratory by each other.

You have to see the world,  so many men in this world you've never known. Doesn't mean you have to know a lot of men in the world, but this is an opportunity to know more about how the general nature of a man, from the lessons of experience that you can accept the man that you deserve to live together.
if you want to end the single, you should think about for sure. Marriage wassn't an easy thing, all those who are married say it. but it is indeed a compulsory. We are young now, take the advantage of this time to find something good for yourself, your experience is a provision to build a better life in the future.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Please Stop Making Stupid People Famous

Hii readers, great feelings to start write my first posting.
I would give my opinion about topic in which lately discussed by the public.
Ever you seen the program tv show as we all know it 'Mata Najwa' ? Some time ago.. Mata Najwa presented Farhat abbas as a man who running to become The NEXT Mr.President. .

Yesterday was a day, there lot of people intensely repath video for Bung Farhat abbas and Najwa who was doing interactive talk that horrendous people in all social media is..
In the video there is a trap question by najwa which reverses question the vision of Farhat.

Najwa frequently asked questions about what the program will be made by farhat when he was selected to be president

Najwa : “ What vision you have planned if you have successfully selected as president? “
Farhat : "I will make education free of charge"
Najwa: "if everyone would get it?"
Farhat: "oh, of course not, only the smart can be free, which is not smart they have to pay"
Najwa: "okay good. How when you're at school? your paid or free?"
farhat: "I paid"
From the conversation, viewers judged that farhat is fool. And that’s all the conversations that have been horrendous society. And not only these thing that make a lot of people not enthusiastic to him. Previously he had a lot make insinuations whether it criticized political issues, celebrities, and other things. By making a lot of people angry over his sharp words. It really look creepy for a lawyer like him to say too much on his social account. Yeah, as Indonesian society, we know Farhat abbas worked as a lawyer before he propose to be a president.
And I don't even think what goes on his mind for all above the bullshit criticize that he spread on his twitter account about all the things. I'm just confused, why would anyone look smart, but being so naive. And our people have to know, he wants to be a president.
hello? how come? if this country is led by men like that? holy crab. But, here is the point.

People excited about “What goes on Farhat”, it made ​​merealized. By always talking about him, he became more and more pleased. Because he would think there -a lot of people care about him-that’s disgusted..
in this article I just want to say "Vox populi vox dei" (voice of the people is the voice of God)

of his presence in a variety of events will surely shape his image, public opinion should be a lesson to Farhat. Your insults didn’t make him be more intelligent, It made him famous. Just stop, stop making it bigger.